Love stories
with magic
and myth
The Asphodel Series
A Greek mythology inspired series focusing on the Chthonic gods and the Underworld.
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Get ‘Consort of Darkness’ available now on Kindle Unlimited, featuring the story of Nyx and Erebus.

About the Author
Molly Tullis would have picked the Phantom of the Opera over Raoul and named her French bulldog Jean Valjean.
She only believes in black clothing, red lipstick, and never turns down an iced coffee or tequila. She enjoys writing fantasy, romance, or any genre with an opportunity to insert a dark-haired, morally grey man. Her debut novel, The Romanov Oracle, was inspired by a love of history and a simultaneous desire to rewrite it with more magic.
When not identifying as an author, she identifies as a woman with bangs, finger tattoos, and a nose ring, who can tell you what planets are making you sad.

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